Monday, January 19, 2009

All about Grace

It's hard to believe Grace is 4! She is quite the grown-up little girl. We waited a long time for her to join our family, and it was SO worth it. Grace has always been very cheerful and enthusiastic. The older she gets, the more we see that she has a strong personality and strong emotions. She is very independent and also very caring. She loves to take care of people and is a great hostess. Grace has great leadership potential, and likes to be in charge. She has taken to calling her room her "house" and she thinks this means that she doesn't have to let Vivian in. Ha ha. I have discovered that Grace does really well with being sent to her room "until she is ready to... [be nice, follow directions, etc.]" rather than just being sent to time out until her time is up. She usually stays for about 30 seconds, but when she comes back, she really does do better. She loves to help out with things. She loves to play with friends. She is very generous by nature. She is an amazing little person, and I am so lucky she's mine!
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Jackee said...

What a fun little person! I can't wait to meet her!

[alisar] said...

I think Grace is probably a lot like Rob. Am I right?

Megan B ♥ said...

Obedient AND photogenic. Nice :)