Monday, March 31, 2008

False Alarm!

Whew! Viv's x-rays came back normal, so no gigantic cast for her! We thought she might have a dislocated hip, which sometimes happens just from a baby's position in the womb or being born breech. I'm so glad this is something we don't have to deal with right now!

Friday, March 28, 2008


Today Viv had her well-baby check. Too bad it was scheduled for Friday, because now I have to wait all weekend to find out if she has to get one of these:

Keep your fingers crossed for us!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Last week was full of bad news. Lots of people around us seem to have spent time in the hospital last week. One friend is still there, and has had some close calls. Most shockingly, we received news that Vivian's birthmother passed away, apparently from complications from an outpatient surgery. She was so young, and apparently healthy, and seemed to be recovering normally. It has been a reminder that life is fragile, that it can change in an instant. A reminder to count my blessings. And that you never know when you will have your last chance to say thank you.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The nitty gritty

So, now the word is out, here are some of the thrilling details :) My due date is Sept. 13, which is about 2 weeks after Viv's first birthday. Thank goodness they're at least a year apart! I have been really lucky--I haven't been sick at all. Really tired, and I have had other stomach issues, but I will take pretty much anything over morning sickness! Also, I have bad zits. In fact, there's a huge one on my chin that has been there for at least 6 weeks. And I don't know if this is pregnancy related, but I am SOOOOO sick of poop! I swear my children have some kind of crazy superpower that shoots all of it out of their diapers immediately. I thought I was used to all the diaper changing, but suddenly I find it really disgusting again. Which brings me to my worst symptom: permanent PMS, which has made this a really bad time to try to potty train! But I think I'm getting a little better.

Mostly, I'm just still getting used to the whole idea, slowly coming out of denial. It seems very unreal, even though we've seen the heartbeat and all. I am excited, but mostly very very aware that I have a big challenge coming! I should be used to not having any control over when children join our family, but this hit me so out of the blue! When I think about how fun it will be a few years down the road when they can all walk and feed themselves and sleep through the night, then I get excited ;)

The other strange thing is people's reactions. Like just yesterday I went to my OB appointment, and I took Viv with me. We were in waiting room, and I was holding Viv. The nurse called my name, I looked right at her and acknowledged I had heard her, then started gathering my bags, blankets, bottles, etc. She said, "Julie Jackson?" I said yes. She was like, "Oh, usually people with tiny babies aren't here for .... you know." Ummmm, yes, I know.