Tuesday, October 28, 2008

All about Sam

Little Sam is 6 weeks old already, and I think it's time I introduced him properly! Sam is the most amazing baby. Possibly our easiest baby yet, which is saying something, because Grace and Viv were both pretty easy. Don't hate us :) I think this is definitely an example of God's mercy! How would we have done all this with a colicky baby???

Sam is a super eater and falls asleep without too much work most of the time. He is growing like gangbusters. I don't know how much he weighs, but he is about to grow out of his 3 month clothes. Sam was bottle fed most of the time I was in the hospital, but once I tried nursing him again, he picked it back up immediately, and now he is an expert at going back and forth. He is a champ. Sam is also snuggly, which is irresistible. AND he doesn't spit up when he's being burped. I love that. But then, he occasionally--without warning--spits up what seems to be the entire contents of his stomach, which is kind of a mess.

My favorite thing about Sam is his eyes. They are so alert and seem so intelligent somehow. Like he is wise beyond his weeks. He will stare into your eyes and move his mouth like he is trying so hard to communicate. He is really a joy, and we are so glad he's part of our family!


Christina said...

He's so cute, I'm glad he's an easy baby also. Hope you're having fun in Utah!

Mandi said...

Oh, what a handsome little man. I am so glad that he is a good little boy. Enjoy your time with family helping you out, and we will be here waiting to help you when you get back!

Jackee said...

Adorable! And I'm in awe of your bravery--facing Utah alone. Good luck and we're praying for ya'll.

Naomi said...

Oh, I am in love with this kid! What a sweetie. But I do suspect you are drugging your kids to "help" them be so easy. I've never seen anything like it. I wish I could see him in person!

Jill T said...

He is so cute! And that is the best when they'll nurse AND bottle feed! I'm so glad you have an easy baby.