Sunday, October 5, 2008

Nectar from Heaven

Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts! I can feel them, and I am feeling much stronger and ready to recover!

Since I got readmitted about 10 days ago, I have basically been forbidden from putting anything in my mouth. No food, no liquid, not even ice chips. It was pretty torturous, especially because I'm also kind of dehydrated. My mouth has been parched!

This morning, I was allowed to go onto "sips" of liquid.

I was sitting looking out the big, sunny window, holding Sam and having a nice conversation with Rob, and I took a drink of apple juice. It was so sweet, and it kind of slowly made its way through my dry mouth, waking up my tastebuds. Suddenly I was crying--I just tasted a little nectar from heaven.


Mandi said...

I am so happy to hear that things are getting better. Enjoy your nectar and your sweet little Sam.

TheFunYam said...

yay! I'm so happy to hear you are on the mend and enjoying the sweet things.

Kerri said...

Isn't it amazing how simple things can bring so much happiness! We're praying for you! Glad the doctors found the problem and have resolved it.

Katherine said...

I have been meaning to post when I heard about your return to the hospital. I was glad to read Rob's post with an update, as you were on my mind and in my prayers and I wanted to know how you were.
Glad that the latest update is from you, which points to improvement on your part. I can't believe all that you have gone through. I was actually crying (post partum hormones!) at the thought that you weren't at home with Sammy. You went through 9 months of pregnancy and have earned the right to his newborn weeks. Hurry home and cuddle him extra long. And keep up posted on your recovery.

Melody said...

So glad to hear you are recovering and that they found out what was wrong. Crazy! If I was closer I'd offer to take your girls and Sam or something, but other than words of encouragement I can't offer much way over here in AZ. Know though you are in my prayers. And I hope to give you a call and chat w/ya soon Ü

Jackee said...

Hey, I'm in AZ too! :)

Just wanted to say, Julie, that I think you are one of the few of us churchy people who didn't need to hear the talks on gratitude. Thanks for the reminder of what I have (and the flashback into hospital days 1 1/2 years ago)!

Still praying for you and wishing you all the best. Can't wait to meet that family someday... maybe at Grace's graduation?? :)

Abbigail said...

I just heard yesterday what has been going on with you and I am so happy about your new child, but so sorry for everything else! I know exactly how sweet that juice can taste after not having anything to eat for days except through a tube in your nose. It is like juice from heaven in a parched mouth. my prayers are with you.