Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dispatches from the land of "Not What I Expected"

Last week, I thought that today I would be sending the kids to church with Rob so that me and Sammy could stay home and rest. I was looking forward to a nice day home with the family.

But that was not meant to be.

I have spent the day in my lovely hospital room with a tube in my nose draining the contents of my stomach and intestines. I'm hooked up to my best friend, the IV, which loads me up with sugar water, pain meds and anti-nausea meds.

For some reason, abdominal surgery just doesn't agree with my body. The day after surgery, my belly filled with air so that I still look 9 months pregnant (though Rob tries to assure me it's more like 5). I was still functioning fine, so they sent me home, and that night I started getting sick. I was sick all the next day, and finally called the doc. They told me to come back to the hospital, so here I am. They say I am a medical mystery. There doesn't seem to be a reason for all the air, and nothing seems to make it better or worse, it just stays the same. I also have an illius, which means my bowels are still trying to wake up, which is why they are now draining through my nose. Lovely image, I know. It is a bit unpleasant, to say the least.

So, again, dear friends, I ask if you would say a little prayer if you think about it--that I could get better and go home! Thanks for all your support, I have loved getting your comments. Hopefully I will be back to posting pictures and fun updates soon!


alecia said...

Yikes! Congratulations on Sammy, but uncongratulations on the return to the hospital! We'll pray.

Unknown said...

Oh Julie I hope you can get home soon!! I had a great time with the girls the other night, thanks for letting me watch them and for giving Brigham and Grace some much needed play time. You're all in our prayers!!

Camille said...

Julie - I hope you get better soon! That sounds horrible. We hope you return soon and will remember you in our prayers.

TheFunYam said...

We've been so worried about you, but it's a relief to hear your sense of humor is still in check! I'm so sorry you're back in the hospital, and we'll definately be praying for your healthy return home soon. Loves!

Melody said...

Sorry to hear your not doing so well. Sounds like an episode of 'House'. You'll be in our prayers to get well soon and have the strength you need to care of all your little ones :)

Serena said...

Sorry Julie :( I hope they figure out what caused this! We'll be thinking of you guys and keep you in our prayers!

Meg said...

We're praying for you guys and hope you get to go home soon! We had fun with your girls on Saturday. Grace is so funny! We were at the park playing and she was going on the slide with these two other kids- the grandmother of these kids kept saying, "Make sure you let the little girl get a turn." Finally after like 3 times of her saying this, Grace looked at her with her arms folded and said, "I am a BIG girl. I am older than all of the other kids here!" Haha. So cute!

[alisar] said...

I've been in the land of "Not What I Expected" for the last half of my life. It's not all bad, but this little corner you're in right now sounds dark and dank. I'll pray that you can get back to your lovely babes soon. Much love!

Rach and Todd said...

Julie I'm thinking you went back to the hospital so you could have a nicer homecoming than the first one that I provided for you....your dog running loose in the neighborhood and your 3 yr old running around the front yard naked...seriously. Call me for help any time :). You're in our prayers!

[AnnieR] said...

That's crazy. So crazy. Get better soon. I'm looking forward to hearing more updates. Better ones, of course.

Lindsey said...

Julie, so sorry to hear about the post-surgery complications. We'll definitely include you in our prayers. Get better quickly!

Jessie Riley said...

OH.MY! Bowells through the nose sounds like a TERRIBLE way to spend post baby!!!

I hope you start to feel better soon!

Prayers will be said!!!

Jill T said...

first of all, congratulations on such a handsome little boy! And 2nd, I'm so sorry you are draining your innards from your nose! I hope you get back home soon so you can cuddle with your THREE little ones!

Jackee said...

Hopefully things are better?? I always worry when there's no news. Have things gone from bad to worse or are you home now? So many of my dear friends are going through trouble right now, it just makes my heart ache!

We praying for you!

Kerri said...

Congrats! We are so excited for you guys. We're sending up a prayer for you right now! Hang in there