Friday, August 22, 2008

Stranger Danger

When Grace was a baby, we got stopped by a lot of people who want to look at babies and tell you how cute they are. I was SO proud to show her off, and loved the attention. Especially when she was really tiny and then people would tell me how great I looked :) (I just said thanks...) But as she got older, that tapered off. With Vivian's amazing hair, she seems to be getting us stopped more often as she gets older. Seriously, if I go grocery shopping in the morning when all the grandmas are out, it can add an extra half hour to the trip. Some people want to tell you about all their red-headed relatives. Some people want to know where the red hair came from (I always just say "her dad". Strangers don't need to know my reproductive history.) Lots of people tell me that their hair used to be that color. One lady told me that I had her baby. I said, "Oh, did you have one that looked like this?" She responded that no, she had prayed for 3 red-headed boys and got 3 blond girls. Well, so I got half her baby.

And now that I have red-headed Vivian and "look like I'm about to explode," I'm getting all kinds of comments. A lot of times, people see Viv first, then notice my belly and just kind of go "Oh! And another one on the way!" The other day, 2 people within 30 minutes asked me if "I'm done having kids after this." I just say "we'll see," while thinking "none of your darn business." One day, Rob was with me and a lady gave him the crude wink and told him "way to go, Dad."

Forgive me if I seem rude, cynical, and anti-social. I am grateful I really haven't had my stomach grabbed by any strangers... probably because Viv is usually on top of it :) I'm going to blame my attitude on the hormones!


Katherine said...

I am right there with you!

As soon as we had a boy and a girl (which was only two children!) people would say "oh, you have one of each, are you done?"

Can't say it gets any better. As I currently carry Jake on my hip and the baby carrier in my arm people have the nerve to ask me if Ty was an "oops" or sometimes they say "mistake". As if! I only wish I could have a handful more.

Let me know if you come up with a good comeback.

[alisar] said...

Love this post. I could just say amen.
My favorite incident was when the Iranian checker at Hy-Vee took one look at my two toddlers, wagged his finger, and said, "No more kids for you."
Stranger wisdom is awesome.

Julie M. said...

I feel ya! I always get asked if my girls are twins, and once triplets! Are people serious?

And it is none of their darn business. Say that just once to someone. It sure makes you feel better! :)

Melody said...

When Elaine was little, with her curly hair, people would always stop us and ask about it--did you curl it or is it natural? Like I'd have a 1 year old and a hot curling iron in the same room :) Although stranger comments aren't all that bad--like when I just have the baby with me and people ask if it's my first. Then I don't feel like some frumpy old Mom Ü

Marie said...

As I'm sitting on the exam table in a doctor's office, half naked he asks me how old I am (32) and then how many kids I have (4). His response? "Wow, I thought people were smarter than that these days".

And that is only the beginning- it was outrageous!