Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I think we might finally be getting somewhere on the potty training! Grace and I have both apparently reached our "zen" place, and Grace is kind of taking over and figuring it out. We dropped all the stickers, all the treats, all the timers, and just went for basics. Grace, in panties, free to roam. Oh, and the promise of pizza for dinner once she got her poop in the potty :) Well tonight we are having pizza!!! She just went and did it, on her own, no sitting on the potty for 45 minutes reading books or watching potty training videos. I was blown away! I am so proud of her!!! And relieved that we didn't have to put off going to kindergarten because she was still in diapers :) You start to worry about these things....


Jackee said...

Hey, girl! Congrats on the potty-thing. I'm a firm believer that they do it when they are good and ready and no amount of pushing will do any good. Sounds like Grace and Kass are very similar in so many ways. Hope you are well!

Unknown said...

Yea yea yea for Grace . . .and for you Julie!!