Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Urologist's Wife

The girls and I were at a Match Day party a couple of weeks ago, and one of the other residents asked where Rob was. I (kind of sarcastically) said I would give him 3 guesses. He aptly replied, "Oh, he's looking at people's private parts." So there it is, laid bare! I usually don't think about the fact that that is what my husband does all day, and he himself has acknowledged that it is pretty surreal. But it's true.

So I know people are wondering why anyone would choose Urology. Well, once you get over the whole "looking at private parts" thing, it's really a great field. Considering the other bodily functions that doctors have to deal with, urine is really not that bad. I mean, it's really just yellow water. Warm yellow water :) Patients are generally healthy, with a specific problem that the doc can fix and send them on their very merry and grateful way. And Rob really has the right personality for making people feel comfortable when dealing with potentially embarassing problems. After residency, the lifestyle will be good. And he likes that his time will be pretty well divided between seeing people in his office and going to the operating room. So now you know!

And this brings me to a point. Somehow, we got talking about "private parts" (it happens pretty often around here), and Rob informed me of what I think is a wacky trend. This is probably just revealing myself for the true fuddy-duddy that I am--you, my informed and hip readers, may have already embraced this trend. Apparently, all the young ladies these days are shaving "down there". Not just the bikini shave, but BALD. Beaver free. I think this is sick and wrong, not to mention bizarre. The only reasons I can think of to do this are bad ones. So have I been living under a rock, or is this normal? Just wondering.


Unknown said...

Oh my heck, Julie, you seriously crack me up! This posting is by far one of the most hilarious I've ever read. Yes, women have been shaving "down there" for a long time, but I as well cannot validate doing it. I just think of PURE PAIN when it comes to something like THAT!! :)

Annie said...

Is this normal, you ask? Well, I have only myself as a reference and that's between me and my urologist. And my plastic surgeon. But not at the same time.

p.s. - you totally just said "beaver"

Ryan said...

This is one of the best posts I have read in a long time - on anyone's blog. The things you learn from a urologist's wife . . .
I am glad that vivian doesn't have to be in a cast!!

Julie said...

Thanks for the funny post! Oddly enough, Anthony and I had a similar conversation once & he said the shaving thing is very common. I was like you in that it seemed it could not be for very good reasons! I'm glad someone else is as clueless as I am!

Betsy said...

.....I can't even imagine the pain, and potential risks =0). This is too funny =0). P.S. I'm glad Viv will be cast free =0).

Jackee said...

Is that the same as telling all your coworkers that your wife just studies rabbit poop (you know, instead of something noble like a doctor helping people or saving endangered species)? I can sympathize with Rob... and I didn't even know you knew what a "beaver" meant! :) Then again, I'm not sure I even do...

Serena said...

Hehe, Jules this is such a funny post. I had to share w/ Rody. He says that you probably weren't a 'fuddy-duddy' until you used the word fuddy-duddy ;) I hate having to shave the bikini line (waxing is great!), I can't imagine the discomfort of the entire thing being shaved bare (ewh, the pricklies!)! I hope Rob's patients are waxing vs shaving. Oh one of my friends does the whole body wax thing and loves it- she has a thing about body hair and said it makes her feel more clean. (You've known the beaver term for a while haven't you? I seem to recall a Primus song that came out while we were roomies...)

Unknown said...

This is going to seem extremely odd because we don't know each other and this post is from 6 years ago. My name is Ivy Taylor and my husband is a 3rd year medical student. We are in St Louis right now, also LDS, with 3 kids, with family in Utah and he is looking into Urology. I googled 'urology wife' and this blog post popped up. If you would be at all willing to provide some insight into urology resident and practice life with a complete stranger, I would love to hear from you...if you ever get this :) idjetprincess@hotmail.com Thanks!