Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Big Sis

I got to see Grace's protective side the other day when I took the girls to the dentist with me. My vision was that Viv would sleep and Grace would watch a movie in the corner while I got my teeth cleaned, but of course, I must have been hallucinating! Viv was sleeping soundly when we got there, but started to cry after I'd been in the chair 5 minutes, and Grace developed a sudden and inexplicable aversion to the DVD player. So a kind grandma/receptionist came and got Viv, and took the girls out to the waiting area. After a while, Grace came back into the room, saying heartbreakingly, "I lost my baby sister!" The hygenist told her that Carol had her and must have gone back behind the counter. (I couldn't say anything because her hands were still in my mouth). So I hear Grace go back out, calling bravely, "Carol, Carol, Carol!" Finally the hygenist called out to Carol that Grace was looking for her, and I heard her and Grace find each other. Then plucky little Grace said, "I need my baby sister." They got it all worked out, and Grace ended up spending the rest of the cleaning on my stomach watching what was going on in my mouth. I was amazed and touched by Grace's love for the sister she usually torments all day. It was just so sweet I had to write it down.


Jackee said...

How sweet! Amazing how that happens almost instantly one day, isn't it? It's the same at our house... with similar moments... But usually it involves Kassidy chewing out the brothernapper.

Anonymous said...

Okay Julie . . . next time you have to go to the dentist . . . BRING THE GIRLS TO MY HOUSE!!! :)

Julie said...

Taryn, I did think about it, but I thought they'd do okay. Now i know better! Next time I will give you a call! Thanks :)

Melody said...

That's too cute. I took Brig to the dentist with me a few months ago thinking he'd just stay in the car seat too--yah right. Thank goodness for patient dentists and kind receptionists. Too bad you don't live closer we could've traded babysitting :)