Thursday, January 31, 2008

More "funny Grace" moments

Or, at least ways that Grace talks funny. Right now for some reason she is really enunciating her Ts. Also putting them into words that are actually Ds. Like "Datty" for Daddy (which is driving Rob nuts for some reason). Or, Homer is Butty. Other funny words include musTard, everybuTy, and beTTer.

Another little Grace quirk is putting Ps at the beginning of random words. Like Pabana = banana. Pabloon=balloon. Pabrella=umberlla. Pertucky=Kentucky, and so for some reason that makes Pertexas=Texas.

Funny girl.


[alisar] said...

Awesome words. I remember Caleb said "Go-guh-dee-go" for the word "little" for such a long time. You'll be smiling about her pronunciation for years to come.
I have to say your photos on Flickr have left me breathless a couple of times recently. I love the one of Rob carrying Viv in front of the icy tree. And the one of Grace "taking a break from pounding on the window" is priceless. You are totally a photo artist now!

Annie said...

That's so funny. I'll be sad when my kids start to talk normally. I'm dreading the day when their tongue thrust no longer produce a lisp. If they were boys, I might feel differently...?

And I second Alisa. I wish there was an easy way to comment on Flickr but I'm kind of glad there's not because my comments would get really redundant and old--"So beautiful!", "Gorgeous!", "Teach me your ways!" and "I want to be Julie when I grow up!". Stuff like that.

Jackee said...

Grace is at such a great age. Kass used to say "Fruck" for truck at 1 1/2-2 (okay, so a little younger)... but you can imagine what that REALLY sounded like! It was the best when she would yell it in the middle of Bonneville 2nd... Umm... yeah... I blame Steve for that...