Saturday, June 27, 2009

Welcome Back, Rob!

I'm actually a couple of days early with this post, but I'm so excited, I just couldn't wait. Rob officially begins his research year NEXT WEDNESDAY!!! Research=normal life. To illustrate: we went to an end-of-year dinner a few weeks ago and sat at a table with the residents who are just finishing their research year. One couple was tan/burned. I asked if they had been on vacation and they all started LAUGHING at me. They said, "No, this is called HAVING A LIFE-- you'll get used to it. We've been doing yardwork." What??? There are people who see daylight when they're not on vacation????

Another anecdote: A few weeks ago, on a Wednesday, Rob was saying that it had been a pretty good week so far. I agreed. He started adding up his hours, and figured he had worked about 40 hours so far. We were like, Wow, that's great. Then we said to ourselves, 40 hours by Wednesday is great? What strange standards.
I just have to say that Rob is amazing. He has dealt with so much in these first few years of residency. It is especially amazing how he maintains his standards being surrounded so constantly by, well, other stuff. He has worked SOOOO hard, met the goals he has set for himself and overcome large obstacles. There have been some rough times, I will not lie. Times I was sure he was going to switch careers and all of this was going to have been for nothing. There have been nights I have found him out in the garage, asleep in the car. There have been sentences I have not finished because he fell asleep in the middle of them.....
I am so proud of my dear Rob, and so excited to have him around for dinner again soon :) oh, wait, does that mean we can't have frozen ravioli once a week?


Jackee said...

Congrats, you guys. You deserve time to have a life and enjoy your kids! :o)

[alisar] said...

This is supposed to be a happy post, I know, but it makes me sad to think of what you have all been through. Lesser spirits wouldn't have weathered this! You are an inspiration.

Megan B ♥ said...

I'm so proud of BOTH of you! You are amazing. Congrats on the relative "ease" (ahem) of the coming year! And that picture you posted is BEEEEEAUTIFUL!!

Abbigail said...

hooray for family life and Rob being there for more of it.