Thursday, March 5, 2009

Irish twins

Rob likes to joke that Sam and Viv are "Irish twins". I suspect that in the future, we may have a hard time convincing people they aren't actual twins. If he stays on the tall side, I just have a feeling they are going to look like they're the same age, and with their amazing coloring... We'll see....
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Apron Appeal said...

My husband and his brother are 10 months apart. I think a better phrase to describe them would be "partners in crime".


Megan B ♥ said...

That's really ironic, don't you think? Hilarious! I'm with Rob on this one.

Kara and Mike Barber said...

Wow! They really do look so much alike, I have never seen them right next to each other, they are so cute!

Jackee said...

Yay for red-heads!