Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The beginning of the rest of our lives

Grace is at kindergarten today. What a weird feeling. She was so excited, she was cheering and pumping her fists this morning. She raced to the bus stop on her scooter and pushed past the other kid at the stop to get on the bus first. The bus was so full and so noisy, and I couldn't see her through the window. It all happened so fast, and then she was off to kindergarten! I was so tempted to get in the car and follow the bus, make sure she got to her classroom, make sure everything was okay. It is scary sending her off into the world without me, even though I know she will do great. I think we have taught her what she needs to know, and she is a good kid who wants to do the right thing. Grace got the teacher we wanted, and I am sure it will be a really great year!

1 comment:

Abbigail said...

Oh My! What a darling child she is and so grown up!!!! I love her to pieces and honestly started to tear up at the thought of her getting on the bus. Give her some loves from us. Great job getting her this far.