Thursday, February 26, 2009

Our little lollipop

Sam is the weirdest proportioned baby ever. He just went to the doctor yesterday and here is how he measures up:

  • weight: 50th percentile (up from 25th!)

  • height: 75th percentile

  • head: literally off the charts. By quite a bit, it looked like to my untrained eye.

His head has been growing at an astronomical rate, making a practically vertical line on the growth chart. He's had 2 ultrasounds, though, and they both show that everything in there is completely normal. Here's hoping that his body catches up someday!

Just for kicks, I photoshopped Sam with a more proportional head:

Isn't it strange how it makes his whole body look smaller? I double checked a bazillion times, and that body is the same size.

People are always like "What a big boy you have!" But it's just his gargantuan cranium. A virtual planetoid! Has its own weather system. (say that last part with a Scottish accent :) )

We choose to think that he's just going to be a genius. Like his father.


Mandi said...

He is SOOOOOOO cute no matter what size his head is. He is a beautiful boy.

Christina said...

He's a cute little lollipop! Hopefully his body will catch up soon, until then enjoy his bigger than normal smile also!

Krista Cook said...

Hey, we have big headed boys here too, and I think they are super brilliant. Go Sam! I love that you can work with your photos like that. I think Samueul wil be a genius like his mommy.

Megan B ♥ said...

Ah, Sam The Optical Illusion. His weatha systim is positively gorgeous. But just think: more surface area to kiss! And I love you all the more that you actually photoshopped him down just to see what it would look like. I find that to be a very endearing thing to do.

[AnnieR] said...

Ditto to all that has been said.

Jackee said...

Isaak has the same problem! Funnily enough I just posted his 2 year measurements and commented on the same thing. I love your photoshop job.

I guess it's a guy thing--Steve can't even wear a normal hat. And when Isaak runs/walks/moves, he looks like a bobblehead doll.

But they're cute and we can only hope that Einstein was right--skull size = intelligence level.

Jill T said...

Well, he looks like his dad, so he might as well be a genious too! :)

[alisar] said...

You know, my butt is off the charts too - it's not even within the solar system of the rest of my body. The way I see it, it's just more to love.

Melody said...

What a CUTIE!!! Taft has a huge head too and I think it's great. Although, he was the 1st I went natural childbirth on, in that case, not such a great thing. Ü