When other people are pregnant, I always feel like they are prego forever. I'm one of those annoying people who are like, "When are you due again?" When what I really mean is, "Haven't you had that kid yet, you've been pregnant forever?" But my own pregnancy has gone SO fast. I still haven't wrapped my head around it yet, and I am starting to feel like I'm not prepared for a baby. I mean, psychologically I don't think I will be until it happens. But physically, I haven't done much of anything. We have a crib (thanks to Naomi!) but I haven't done much else. Finally took a childbirth class, but haven't done the hospital tour. All that jazz.
I am starting to feel very third-trimester-ish, though. You know, big as a house, swollen everywhere. This child is apparently getting ready for the Olympic gymnastics try-outs in my abdomen and when I bend over, he lets me know he is squished by kicking me in the ribs. This is really the biggest challenge, because with Viv around, I have to bend over a lot. Also, carrying her and Bert around gets really tiring. In general, everything is tiring. I feel exhausted most of the time. Just getting the girls dressed leaves me feeling ready for a nap. The other day I had to go downstairs for something and I nearly started to cry. I know that sounds insane. And actually the most tiring part of the week is going to church. At home, Viv can crawl wherever and it's fine. At church, I have to keep her squirmy self entertained, which means lots of down and up, and pulling her out of other people's diaper bags, and picking up a million cheerios and dropped toys, etc. off the floor. And I really can't bend over from a sitting position without spreading my legs all the way out to make room for my stomach. In a skirt, this does not work. So I have to get all the way up, try to gracefully squat between benches, then haul myself off the floor, sometimes while also holding a 20-lb. baby. It's just a spectacle, I'm sure.
Alright, this is getting really boring! Bottom line is: the next 2 months will be a challenge. But I'm up for it.
Also, I have a goal to get a picture of my large self on a day when I've combed my hair and put on makeup :) But for now, I toss my pride to the wind and post this lovely picture, taken with the timer and the camera propped between a couple of paint cans!